So many people need help but I cannot see everyone.

I’m giving free private readings on Instagram yet again.

Please think carefully about the ONE (yes/no) question you’d like clarity on.

Click on my Instagram story & ask there - not twitter. ONE Q ONLY.

Camagu. ✨
I’m trying a new system, let’s hope it works better than twitter and won’t crash.
I’m only doing this on Instagram. I repeat.
If you are an old client, please give others a chance. I love you but tonight is for others please. ✨🙏🏿
If I can not reach you tonight, here’s a list of healers. They all work differently, some use bones, others use water. (I use water)

I also consult with some of the healers here. They are more experienced and as effective. I encourage you to seek help ❤️
I can’t see everyone but these Q & A’s help a lot. Take advantage and then go for a consultation trust me it is enlightening.

On my side, we’re closed for the year and from September I’m taking a five month break.

All the best and I hope to leave you with clarity tonight. ✨
You can follow @sissgugu.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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