Several months into quarantine, I frequently feel a kind of restlessness that I don't think I've ever experienced to this degree. It's like a strong desire to DO something, but I don't know what, and nothing I can do to occupy my time feels satisfying.
Taking my lunch break before my next meeting, and just ....staring into space
It's like my ADD turned up to 11. I try to read a book or work on a project and immediately am like "nope this isn't it" and it's so exhausting that eventually I just decide to nap
If I had to summarize my experience of the quarantine, it would be something like nothingness/void life. Just.....nothing going anywhere. No motivation for anything, but also regret for all the stuff I didn't do when I had the chance.
I'm really going to make a stronger effort to maintain my relationships and be social and see people when this thing is over
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