People are so mad about @SonicFox they'll learn how to file a lawsuit over a 2 dollar game they never played
I know there's a lot here, so I made a checklist of ridiculous bits to observe:
- This game's been in his watch list, as if they had no way of affording it till now?
- "Furries are okay." basically, "Just so you guys no it has NOTHING TO DO WITH FURRIES"
- Appealing to the Better Business Bureau
- "Just so you know, I used to be a shareholder"
- Ask for a refund. Then, "Once they have refused". Like... they're APPROACHING it like they're wrong but don't care.
- File "Small Claims". Small claim fees can be from 75 to 300 dollars.
- "Today it's just pixels. Tomorrow it could be them just destroying everything." I can't. This last one broke me.
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