Dear straight people,

this is something you NEED to know about us gays.

I know a lot of you don't understand why gay guys in their mid twenties seem to act VERY immaturely when it comes to partying, sex and all that stuff. But the reason is very simple -->
That weird period of time in your mid to late teens where you're experimenting with sleeping around, going out every weekend to the club and getting drunk and/or high with your buddies?

We didn't get it.

We didn't get it until we were comfortable with our personal identity.
By then, a lot of us were already several years in our young adulthoods with jobs and rent to pay. So yeah, I realize it might look WEIRD to you that you're already having babies and the gay kid who went to school with you is JUST starting with the dumb teenage crushes and excess
But that's how it is. You can't expect a closeted gay person to NOT EXPERIENCE typical teenage horniness and crushes and then arrive at 25 when they're finally being comfortable with being openly gay to act like someone (straight) who's had 10 years to figure it out by that point
We're literally the victims of delayed psychosocial development.

I mean, when I came out at around 21 and at that time, the most action I had gotten is a "date with Rosie Palms" if you know what I mean. It took about 2 more years before I had my first sexual experience.
So you can BET YOUR ASS that from that moment on, I was basically CRAVING more and more of that wonderful sex thing I had been deprived of for so many years. To the point where I was acting seriously irresponsible with whom and where I got it from.
I can only imagine how freaking brainless I must have appeared to most cishet people around me. But it took several years before I calmed down and realized I was now at a point where I was craving something more lasting and stable than the occasional quickie.
So yeah, Straight people, before you judge a gay girl or boy about how they seem to get attached to someone too easily or how much of a hoe they are, you might wanna try imagining what you'd be doing if you had to wait almost a decade before you had your first taste of intimacy.
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