I’m sure i annoy a lot of people with constantly talking about controversial topics or attempting to advocate for marginalized populations and sometimes writing my posts gives me anxiety picturing the backlash it may receive but i don’t care at this point -
I became a psychologist because i care about people and want to help them and advocate for those who cannot do so themselves. What kind of psychologist would i be if i did not stand up for issues that could be affecting some of my clients?
I will never stop speaking up for those who are silenced. I will never stop advocating for those who are pushed to the side. As a psychologist I have a duty to protect, and I feel as though that extends farther than just my clinical practice.
basically my point of this thread is that if you find yourself annoyed with the topics and opinions i passionately tweet about, i will in no way be offended if you unfollow me; i actually encourage it.
You can follow @dopeassdanii.
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