As a paramedic, when I had a patient say ‘I can’t breathe’ they usually died soon after.

But I would always hear cops say ‘if you can talk you can breath’

So listen real close. (1/6)
Taking in a breath, being able to speak, does not mean oxygen is getting to the brain.

Moderate pressure on the carotid arteries starves the brain of blood.

6 minutes. Just 6 minutes for irreparable brain damage. (2/6)
Now I’m seeing ignorant jackasses, all white men, posting themselves kneeling on each other’s necks to ‘prove it’s a lie’

These people disregard video evidence to fit their predetermined narrative.

It’s a lie. George Floyd was killed by a scared weak man who abused his power
Despite having 4 armed men as backup, he ignored constant pleas of a dying man who posed no danger to him.

It’s not enough to fire him, not enough to charge him with manslaughter or murder.

The militarization of the police needs to end
Since 9/11 we have been creating an environment where weak men can feel powerful, fostering an ‘us’ vs ‘them’ narrative by giving them soldiers gear and training.

Soldiers fight or defend against an enemy, not cops. Americans, black Americans are not the enemy
By fostering this environment, it attracts racists, and it reinforces their beliefs. It gives pathetic weak people a chance to kill the ones they hate without repercussions, as their police brothers say ‘better to be judged by 12 than carried by 8’
They aren’t going to give up the power they have. So we as the American people, especially white people who benefit most, need to take it from them.

Racists shouldn’t have tanks. So why the fuck are we giving them to the cops?
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