It’s Pat Hughes’ birthday today! I want to attempt to put into words what he means to me. During the formative years of my Cubs fandom, you couldn’t watch the games on your phone, so I took an AM radio to school with me every day. I listened to Pat and Ron Santo on the bus, and
I would sneak out to my locker as much as possible to check the score. For my whole life, Pat has been THE voice of the Chicago Cubs. He has narrated some of their hardest defeats and ultimately, in 2016, their greatest victory.
Some of my families best memories include Pat Hughes in the background while we drove home from hockey practice, grilled as family, etc. We used to pause the live games so we could sync up the radio before that was a feature on MLBTV.
I cried when the Cubs won the World Series, but the hardest I cried that night was back at the hotel when I finally heard Pat’s call. I had imagined that call 1000 times and hearing it finally become a reality truly broke me.
Pat Hughes makes you feel like you’re a part of something bigger. Like you are a included in some greater Chicago Cubs family. No matter where you are, Pat makes you feel like you’re right there with him at Wrigley Field, watching a game with a lifelong friend.
I love Pat like he’s a member of my family, and I wouldn’t be the Cub fan I am today without him. Thank you for all of your work and I do not look forward to anything more than hearing Pat say “Chicago Cubs baseball is on the air!” once again. Happy Birthday, Pat. @PatandRon670
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