My father has been a doctor for over 40 years. Hes also a legal medical expert who testifies in court hearings about conservatorships. I asked what he would say if he could testify on Britneys behalf. Hes aware and informed on Britneys life. Heres what he had to say:
"Well I would need access to all her medical documents, everything they've ever submitted to say she needs this cship, and most of my time would probably be spent explaining why their claims arent possible. The dementia claim for instance is evidence of a crime, as a doctor
I'm 100% positive no dementia sufferer would be able to accomplish what Britney had during this cship, any real dementia patient would be on a rapid decline mentally and physically. Britney shows no evidence of mental incompetence or decline, and physically shes in the best shape
of her life. When I went to her Piece of Me residency she was dancing like a 20 year old, which just wouldnt be a possibility for someone with dementia. She wouldnt even be able to learn choreo if she had that disease. For the meet and greet she was mentally sound, friendly
and articulate. So the paperwork that says she has dementia is something I would be bringing up, its blatant criminal activity. Its the main point I'd use to show corruption in her case. I would point out that shes able to work, clothe herself, feed herself, and shows the mental
capacity to manage her own life and funds. I would say that her issues in 2007 were most likely a form of post partum depression, and I'd question why she never received this diagnosis or if anybody even considered it. I'd bring up the comment of her cship being a
hybrid business model, and assert that no person should be in a conservatorship for "business" reasons but only for medical ones. Theyre basically saying they believe in keeping her under this cship for the sake of her career, which is in no way an acceptable reason.
Im really curious about the documents of her case, if I had access I could see just how much her conservators have lied, and what they've said to keep her this way for 12 years. Any mental health issues she may have are irrelevant because those are only cause for cship if the
conservatee is psychotic to the point of being unable to care for themselves. Thats clearly not Britney. People with mental health issues live full independent lives. Thats if she even has any. Its obvious to me this conservatorship isnt for any medical reasons, but rather for
financial ones, specifically the conservatorship is being used as a leash in an effort to keep Britney and her career where her conservators want her/it so they can benefit financially. Her rights have been violated, the denial of allowing her an attorney makes no sense to me
and gives me the feeling that the judge presiding over the case is corrupt. Obviously the conservators and their lawyers are very corrupt, they made that clear with the dementia claim, and hybrid business model remark. Its terrible. My advice for Britney would be to be loud
about the injustice thats happening to her, as this conservatorship sham is dangerous to her mental health. I could even see the possibility of suicide or PTSD from her situation. I hope she gets free." -Dad
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