"Open source materials suggest that, for now, the apocalyptic, anti-government politics of the “Boogaloo Bois” are not monolithically racist/neo-Nazi."


this is the damage white antifascists did when they couldn't stop calling patriot militias "Nazis" https://twitter.com/bellingcat/status/1265708280766255105
by constantly externalizing white supremacist groups in red, white, & blue (ex: proud boys, patriot front, patriot prayer) as "Nazis," they obscured the racism inherent in the Americanness of these coalitions, which are now able to fly under the radar as "not racist" but they are
they /are/ racist, just racist in a way that is so normalized as American identity that even the ~experts~ on dissident politics haven't learned to identify it. the racism of patriot militias is the core of their identity /as/ Americans, so they don't have to come out and say it
now, because these groups don't use a Nazi aesthetic, the ~experts~ are completely unable to locate their racism because they have been trained their whole white lives to not see patriot militia movements as the neoliberal /colorblind/ white supremacists they are
this would be a very, very good time to remember that these analysts and experts, because they can only see aesthetics and not power, have no problem equivocating black nationalist and patriot/white nationalist movements because they lack a decent theory of what race/racism is
WhO cOuLd hAve sEeN iT cOmInG

… … … … … … … … … … …….... https://twitter.com/bellingcat/status/1265709901713735681
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