I've gotten some new followers recently since posting victory feast- so I want to make this abundantly clear:

If you engage in anti behavior, believe in morality policing, purity signaling, or kink shaming- unfollow and block me right now.
Sanitizing fandom and queer spaces only benefits capitalist business, not consumers. Policing kink has roots in racist, classist, sexist, homophobic, and most recently, TERF/SWERF rhetoric.
Hypodermic needle theory has been disproved, eg: violent video games do not create a violent society.

Fantasy and fiction are the safest place for taboo to be explored, especially for women, queers, POC, and any other minority group that has suffered from white cishets.
Also, you are allowed to be critical of something and still enjoy it- no piece of media is perfect, and I will take imperfect queer/woman created content over sanitized, bland, and classically monetizatable "main stream" content (aka content created by white cishets) any day
So there is no way to mistake my words either: so long as it's warned for in tags/notes/promos, taboo kinks in fiction such as incest, non-con, bathroom play, and age play are an important and inherent part of 18+ fandom spaces.
Exploring and healing trauma through fantasy fiction is MORE IMPORTANT than squicking people out. Beyond that: no one person is required to share their trauma with you- which means we, as content consumers, must employ "don't like don't read" standards.
This thread is specifically regarding the """"controversy"""" of incest ships in hq and how people feel "clowned" because a specific ship was shown to have the two characters related.
specifically a tweet saying
"two weeks ago miyacest drama happened
one week ago (fanfic) was released
this week, they're related"

"It feels like they* won"

they, being miyacest shippers, as if miyacest is a forbidden ship and people who ship them are pariahs.
anyways ✌️ thats my two cents I have dnd now.
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