All businesses in the below industries can begin preparing their safety plans now for when we reach that phase.
Businesses do not have to have their safety plans pre-approved by the state or county. Businesses just need to have them on hand and enforce them.
If businesses are not implementing safe practices, they risk being shut down.
New subcommittees on the Business Task Force. The Task Force continues to do exciting work to keep business moving during this crisis.
There are plenty of resources available through Erie County and other local entities for business support.
Wherever you go hiking, please dress appropriately and know your skill level. We do not want any more incidents at our parks. The Eternal Flame and others can be very difficult. Be safe!
Wishing my father, Charlie Poloncarz, well. I thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and the staff at Mercy Hospital. Love you Dad.
Today's presentation is dedicated with a heavy heart to my cousin Amanda who sadly passed away in an accident.
Question from @WGRZ about Phase Two –– We are on track to reach it without a delay based on recent data around June 2, 3, or 4. We have to keep an eye on our hospitalization numbers.
Question about libraries –– Some libraries are putting together plans for curbside pickup and we hope to have folks able to order online soon.
Question about non-COVID related projects in Erie County from @WBFO –– We are still moving ahead with a number of capital projects including road repairs this year. We won't be able to do as much as we hoped but they are underway.
We want to open beaches, playgrounds, and all recreational facilities for that matter. But we will only do so when we can ensure the health and well-being of residents who use them.
We are confident in the accuracy of our blood draw antibody tests.
Thank you everyone and see you soon.
You can follow @markpoloncarz.
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