- Fire Nation represents Japanese Imperialism.
- Earth Kingdom represents continental Asia (China, Korea, Vietnam, India etc)
- Water Tribe represents the indigenous Inuit peoples
Air Nation clearly represents Buddhist monks
- Sun Warriors are representative of pre-columbian Mesoamerica such as Aztec, Incan and Mayan
- Guru Pathik is representative of the presence of South Asian people and cultures in the Earth Kingdom as well
- North Africa gets a TOUCH of rep with the sandbenders, drawing cultural influences from the Tuareg people
Theres no direct equivalent to black people either (probably because black culture as we know it is really messed up because of colonialism) & no other African tribes are represented besides the Tuareg BUT there are people that are black that exist in the universe, such as Lu
I know they were focusing primarily on Asian themes, but i kind of wish ATLA had representation of other African cultures and more black people, bc black people do exist in most of the cultures I listed above!
Here's a more detailed chart of everything. Received some criticism about Fire Nation not only being Japan and they're right, I was just trying to fit everything into limited characters to drive a point home
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