Harvard's Elizabeth Bartholet launched a war on homeschooling.

Now she's claiming that she's being "bullied" by people calling her out.
Bartholet takes issue with @TedCruz calling her proposal to ban homeschooling "barbaric" and "unconstitutional"

Well, Professor, he said that because it is.
She thinks her proposal to ban homeschooling is "common sense regulation"

These elites are so out of touch.

The public backlash happened because a ban on homeschooling is authoritarian.
Bartholet accuses @TedCruz of trying to "suppress public discussion"

No he isn't. We're calling to have a debate about the authoritarian proposal to ban homeschooling.

Their side wants to have those discussions behind closed doors.

They even planned a PRIVATE summit on it.
They claim their critique was "academic" and "data-driven"

No it wasn't. Bartholet's article had the weasel words "some" or "many" 210 times.

It was mostly anti-Christian anti-conservative fearmongering without citations or real statistics.
They say "none of us advocate an absolute ban on homeschooling"

That's not true. Bartholet just changes the definition of "homeschooling" to say that.
They say that "there is no effective oversight to ensure homeschooled children learn"

They should look at government schools.

15% proficient in U.S. History
24% proficient in Civics
25% proficient in Geography
34% proficient in Math
Imagine thinking government schools "guarantee" education

And here they go again with the strawman. No one claims that parental rights should be *absolute*

We just believe the burden of proof should be on the *government* if they want to take away our right to educate our kids.
They argue that homeschooling leads to more child abuse.

There's no evidence for that.

But there's tons of evidence of abuse in government schools.

1 in 10 children are estimated to experience educator sexual misconduct in government schools by the end of high school.
They argue that homeschooled children don't have rights

Imagine thinking children have meaningful rights in government schools.

Children are told exactly what they must do every day in government schools. They don't have autonomy. And they often endure violence & bullying.
They cite a study of 28 hand-picked cases of abuse

They then generalize these extreme outliers to population of homeschool families.

That is extremely unscientific and intellectually dishonest.
Another thing: the lead author of that study was just under investigation for allegedly pressuring colleagues to find abuse that wasn't there.

She then left her $204,000-a-year position as an instructor and physician.
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