Sectarianism (Sunni-Shiah discord) is a sickness. Please don’t indulge it or engage in it. If you want to talk politics, talk politics. If you want to do hadith v. Ra’y, do it. اذكروا الله و رسوله صلى الله عليه Have mercy on your brothers and sisters.
Someone asked if this is related to the desecration of the grave of Umar II (rA). It’s not. I only just heard of this. It just makes it all the more important not to get sucked in to the pit of sectarianism...
... Unless Shiah worldwide or even a big part of them support the desecration (which I’m willing to go out and a limb and guess not), blaming them is no different from blaming Sunnis for ISIS.
Here are some photos I took of Umar b. Abd al-Aziz's gave under the Dayr Sam'an monastery near Aleppo in 2005. May any who violate it receive their recompense from the Best of Judges.
Aaand.. I think I'll pass on replying to all the "questions" people have for me now. لا برح ربعكم مأنوسا و لا زال جانبكم محروسا
PS. People who want to talk about what's happened in Syria, ahlan. But that's a political conflict, not some ancient continuation of the Sunni/Shiah divide. Don't play into masking politics with disagreements about sacred history, aqida, and communalism.
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