#TheLittlePrince EXPLAINED by Jungian Psychology.

What #BTS is trying to teach us through this book is to not be scared of growing up ‘cause that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll stop dreaming and lose your innocence. You need to listen to your Inner Child and keep it alive.
#TheLittlePrince starts like this:
It is obvious that Saint-Exupery (the author) neither wanted to accept the value of the adult’s world, nor made any compromise with them. He did not want to fulfill the social expectation as well.
[The major concepts of Jung you need to know for this analysis are: the #unconscious, #archetype, #ego, #persona, #shadow, #self and #individualization. I think we’re already familiar with them so I won’t be explaining them here ☺️ Let’s go! ‘]
#TheLittlePrince represents the process of becoming a (young) adult. #Individualization.

There’s a moment in life when you’re not child but you’re not an adult either. There’s a moment when you need to say “goodbye” to that child and become an adult.
That moment is represented by (and this story begins with) “The Crash” when a pilot lands on a desert...and meets #TheLittlePrince.

The Little Prince left his planet B-612 ( #2020BTSFESTA is 613; B-613😊) to runaway from his Rose 🥀.
The relationship of the little prince and his rose 🥀 is love relationship. The little prince’s journey was to search for the meaning of the relationship with his rose. The Little Prince loved his rose but he had conflicts with her and wanted to escape from her. ( #FAKELOVE)
The Little Prince represents our innocence. The dreams we used to have when we were younger. In #AGUSTD2 “28” we can see it.

#BTS songs are full of references like this (but this is the first one that came to my mind ‘cause I was listening to it a few minutes ago 🤣).
#TheLittlePrince explains the inner and outter world through different archetypes. (This also has different interpretations, that’s why people are trying to figure out if it’s a “book for kids” or for adults too).

Let’s take a look at each one of them closely.
THE KING 👑 This character believes he owns the universe but he actually owns nothing at all.

By using this archetype, this tries to teach us that everything that surrounds us have the power we want them to have. This could be people, situations, fears...roses. #PERSONA
THE CONCEDED MAN. It explains the materialism of our society. I personally think it’s our #EGO.

“Do you really admire me very much? I’m the handsomest, best dressed, the richest and the most intelligent man on this planet.”

“ But...you’re the only man on this planet.”
THE DRUNKEN MAN. He drinks because drinking helps but then he also drinks because he is sad he can't stop drinking. He’s also ashamed of this.

This could represent our #SHADOW. Our regrets, our dark side, things we’re ashamed of...but that are also part of us.
THE BUSINESS MAN. This character is supposed to portray the majority of grown ups in the world. When the little prince meets the businessman he’s too busy counting all the stars he owns and has no time to listen to the prince (our Inner Child).
THE LAMPLIGHTER. This character continues to do the same thing over and over and over again. This represents how some adults stick to their routine without thinking about anything else, forgetting about his inner child too. They’re “too busy” for that.
THE GEOGRAPHER. He’s determined to map out every single bump, crinkle, and crack in the Earth but won't do it himself. He won’t leave his desks and asks The Little Prince to do that for him. This represents how some adults are stuck at doing one thing and asking no questions.
All these adults/ archetypes represent how some adults forgot about dreaming. About imagination. About our innocence and our inner child. How sad and boring our lives can be if we forget about that.

BTS are telling us to keep dreaming.


After the visit to Planet 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 and 330, the little prince reached a conclusion that the grown-ups are “odd and strange”.
But The Little Prince decides to go back to Earth. He tried to live on another planet and forget about his Rose, the one who hurt him so bad...but then he finds this: a wall of roses 🥀
The Little Prince thought his rose was special. Unique. How could his rose be so special when she was so common? The he meets the FOX 🦊 This FOX could represent and archetype called THE WISE MAN. You’ll see why:
The Fox says to him this famous quote we all have read:
The Little Prince then realizes that the one who made the rose 🥀 so special was him. Because he treated her like she was special and unique.

“I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all around the world; and all I had was a common rose.”
I don’t know if #BTS represents the rose 🥀 here like they’re telling us “we’re special because you make us feel special. You made us special but we’re not special at all” and we’re The Little Prince 🥺 #2020BTSFESTA
Finally, when he goes back to Earth he meets a snake. Summing up, the snake “eats” him and he disappears.

The pilots sees it and thinks he’s dead. The Prince then says that although he seemed died, it’s not true. He would go back to his planet in which there is his rose 🥀 🥺
I’ll quote here a little thing I read that sums up everything:

“The most important thing is listening to our hearts and letting our love and imagination take us to were we truly need to go. And doing so, we’ll always find #HOME”. #2020BTSFESTA
So this little reference of #TheLittlePrince could be the inspiration of the Magic Shop VCR. He visits 6 planets: 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 and 330.

Jungkook could be The Little Prince here and the other members the other archetypes that live in each planet ☺️
So, #TheNewJourney is a reference to Jung’s #Individuation process we’ve been talking for so long. They’re creating a Map Of The Soul for us, so the process of “growing up” is less painful. They also gave us a “home” (the Magic Shop, our 🥀) so we can go there if we feel lost.
Let me add a little quote from #TheLittlePrince:

“All men have the stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. But all these stars are silent.
You will have the stars as no one else has them. In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night… you – only you – will have stars that can laugh!”
And when your sorrow is comforted (time sooths all sorrow) you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometime open your window, so, for that pleasure…”

Thanks for reading my thread! Hope you liked it!
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