Dogs & Hot Weather
Not only is the pavement & the sewage covers hot, they also give off heat.
This means your dog is touching hot surfaces as well as receiving heat from them on their stomach.
Walk in the morning and late evening
Walk your dog on the shaded side of the street.
Don't go for a run with your dog or have them run too much. They don't regulate their body heat, which means they over-heat really easily and quickly
Bring water (& a bowl) for your dog to drink. Dogs scoop their tongues under to drink, so pouring water from a bottle isn't efficient, they can't actually drink much water this way
Too often I see dog owners yanking their dogs bc their dog "pulled" to go on the grass.
The pavement is hot, let them walk on the grass.
If you want to be outside with your dog:
If you're not going to be in the shade, don't bring your dog.
If you're sweating just walking or sitting, it's too hot for your dog
If you're going to tie your dog up to a tree with a regular leash, don't bring your dog.
Touch your dogs body, his back & stomach, if it's hot, time to bring him inside.
This means, you shouldn't be far from home. A 10min walk max. If your dog is overheating, you don't want him to take a 15min walk. By car, you want the surface he's laying on to be cool & AC on high.
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