one of the best recent cartooning rediscoveries has been @JucikaDaily / @JucikaInOrder - a Hungarian comic that ran from the 50s through ‘70

JUCIKA is over 50 years old, but she can tell us PLENTY about what's been FORGOTTEN when it comes to what makes GOOD CARTOONING!

Let's start with her design. It's very 50s/60s, which in modern terms we'd call "flat" BUT note how despite being SIMPLE, her shapes and their proportions are just right for maximal APPEAL. this is a very subtle balance that requires SKILL. compare to her modern counterpart 4 ex.
Jucika is a silent strip, AND YET DESPITE THE ABSENCE OF DIALOGUE she has PERSONALITY that is both SPECIFIC and RELATABLE. the humor derives not from contrivances of plot, self-aware irony or pop culture references, but how her character REACTS to things - she feels ALIVE
Most modern cartoon characters have 1 or 2 personality traits & if they're female, it's "sassy" & "smarter than men." Jucika is COMPLEX (again, w/o the crutch of dialogue) She can be flirty or shy, selfish or kindly, proud or humble. She's contradictory - just like a real person!
One specific aspect of Jucika's personality is that she's flirty & likes male attention, but is also a romantic who plays cupid to bring other men & women together - or just solves problems through the power of flirting

Just TRY pitching a girl cartoon character like that today!
Jucika's flirty, but no bimbo. Stands up to horny men, but gets horny too. Faithful to boyfriends, but capable of caprice. Respects other women, but competitive w/ them for men.

Is any modern female cartoon character so well-rounded as Jucika - a woman your great-grandma's age?
Good cartooning is so rare today - fun, appealing characters and charismatic FEMALE characters (not just male types in female bodies) even rarer still - that Jucika is resonating decades later, inspiring new fans & new fanart (the truest test of appeal.) Follow her Twitter accts!
Uh-oh, those faces are getting a little too CALARTS there, buddy! BAIL OUT, BAIL OUT!!!!!

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