The Obama Administration , Renegade administration was the most corrupt political administration in the history of the country. They signed over the emanate domain rights to China for United States government land. They could purchase any federal controlled land for its own
purposes. The Renegade Administration encouraged the purchased of corporations by China. China would go around the FTC by buying 30 to 40 percent of a majority percentage of a corporation so they would not need federal approval. It put investors at the mercy of corporations
that were no longer controlled by American interests. Over the 8 years we saw a transfer of wealth and industrial base at an unprecedented level. All this ended with the expectation that Hillary Clinton would assume the final 8 years of Presidency. This was the mop up phase.
The Chinese Communist party and the Deep state are synonymous. The whole world organization headquarters would have been shipped to China through a series of events that would have changed the world and collapsed the dollar. The Chinese currency would have become the
predominate currency. We would have lost a conflict with China and potentially Russia because our nation was infiltrated and our military and technology secrets had been given away. Our Military would have been at the mercy of the enemy that already knew everything we were
going to do and controlled it within. Digital backdoors were put in through all of our electronics. China had access through all of our communications, all of our satellites, avionics. All of this Treason was done by the Renegade Administration. They never thought Hillary
would lose.
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