Going to post this ongoing thread today of convention memories I have with Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor. Most are going to be from @conageddon but I did meet Eliza at 2 previous cons, too!
At Wizard World Sacramento, I complimented Eliza's AC/DC shirt and said, "I love Thunderstruck." She said, "I don't really know anything about them. I just like the shirt."
She also complimented the #Bellarke shirt I was wearing, and then complimented the one I was wearing the next day, too.

I also remember that my friend said to her, "I loved the season 4 finale. My favorite episode," and Eliza said it was one of her favorites, too.
That was also the convention where I purchased my infamous Bob Morley pumpkin. The guy selling it said, "I heard he had to cancel. But do you want a pumpkin? I can put his face on a pumpkin for you." And I was like, ". . . Okay." A year later, I was Bob's Pumpkin Queen.
Not exactly a #Beliza memory, but one of the best parts of Wizard World Sac was meeting @griffblakes there since we'd been friends for over a year prior. All I will say is that she has been on QUITE the fandom journey since then. 😂
Fast forward to Conageddon 1 and how I literally punched my best friend in the back when I saw Bob walk in. I couldn’t help it! We’d dealt with two prior cancellations.

(Photo courtesy of my bestie @40PurpleHeart who will never tweet.)
I’m pretty sure the first thing I said to Bob was “Oh, you do give good hugs!” And that was the start of so many hugs that I actually couldn’t keep count that weekend.
When Bob walked into our breakfast at Conageddon 1, I definitely said, “Oh, you’re wearing your weird bear shirt.” 😂I’m so glad he wasn't offended.
A student of mine wrote Bob a letter, and he stopped and read it, and when he got to the end, he said, “Aww, she wants to give me a #Bellarke hug.”
And then he said, “Do you want to get a picture of me holding this for her?” ☺️
Ooh, flashback to Wizard World Sac for a minute, because I don’t think I ever posted my photo op with Eliza and it’s one of the best I’ve ever taken. 😂
I was like, “Can we just do a #Bellarke hug?” And she was like, “Yes, of course!”
Conageddon 1: Bob came out onto the dance floor with us at the Sat. party and said he'd only gotten 2 hours of sleep. I told him he was doing a great job faking his energy level, then I said, "It's acting!" and threw my hands in the air. He did the same and said, "ACTING! Woo!"🤪
At the Sat. party, a few of us decided we should ask Bob if he was willing to do a group photo with us, since he was the one who had brought us together. And the next day, he did! Now every VIP group gets a group photo! (This isn't the full group, but we got most in there.)
Still my favorite photo op ever, and it’s from Conageddon 1. My favorite con memory ever happened right after this pic was taken, and only a select few of you know what it is. 😉
This is probably the worst photo I have ever taken, but I had to include it in this thread because Bowie licked my face right before it was taken. 😘
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