CW: George Floyd, police brutality, murder.

This exact thing has been staying on my mind since the footage was released - I literally only watched 3 secs of it b/c of auto play, I avoid consuming & sharing footage of Black ppl’s deaths - but 3 secs is enough for ANY . . .
CW: George Floyd, police brutality, murder

. . . Absolutely ANY Ju-Jitsu/Jujutsu/Jujitsu/BJJ practitioner to know that man died in terror & agony. He says “everything hurts” & OF COURSE it does, he was slowly being deprived of oxygen AND blood flow. It’s agony. Torture.
CW: George Floyd, police brutality, murder

You aren’t allowed to do use that position/hold on ppl in the ring or on the mat in UFC, MMA, Judo, etc because it is incredibly dangerous, with a high probability for death or extensive brain damage, & can cause full body agony.
CW: George Floyd, police brutality, murder.

George Floyd was murdered, slowly, while being tortured the entire time. The fear & pain he must have experienced during those 6 mins is devastating to even contemplate for me, a total stranger - let alone what his community must feel.
CW: George Floyd, police brutality, murder

As Brittany Packnett Cunningham said, justice is George Floyd alive. There can be no justice for this monstrous atrocity, only accountability & consequences. This was murder, of the most heinous kind.

#GeorgeFloyd #BlackLivesMatter
And before anyone gets twisted:

1. I started this thread by RT’ing Jon Jones, 1 of the greatest MMA/UFC fighters to ever do it. If you don’t trust my analysis, trust his.

2. All on my lonesome I have a Martial Arts pedigree that stretches back generations. I know my shit.
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