#AsianHeritageMonth / #AAPIHM is drawing to a close so I just want to say this:

Asians *are* minorities. We will never have White Privilege. However, due to the Model Minority Myth, a lot of us have been conditioned to align with White Supremacy instead of standing w/ other POC.
Asians and other Non Black POC need to do a better job at actively standing with Black people. I know my community historically has been WILDLY anti-black due to colorism; the idea that being dark skinned makes you ugly, or indicates wealth (or lack thereof).
Talking about race in America is not just a black & white issue; it's FAR more complicated than that. I'm always going to be educating myself so that I can better navigate racial issues. Part of this is looking at the problematic parts of my own community, and calling it out.
So, consider this thread to be me calling my community out. We need to do better. *I* need to do better. Being Asian, or any other kind of POC does NOT absolve you from being racist. We can't continue ignoring this fact.
After all, there is no such thing as being 'not racist'. You are either racist, or *anti-racist.*

Passively 'not being racist' does NOTHING; being SILENT aids the oppressor. To be 'Not Racist' is to be vocally, loudly, and unapologetically ANTI racist. Don't forget it.
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