i hope non-Black people are really introspecting and thinking about things like:

why Black pain is treated as a spectacle used for shock value and why Black bodies are not afforded the respect for personhood as non-Black bodies (stop posting videos and images of a person getting killed. do some perspective taking and think about why that is not okay) 2/
how their day-to-day actions contribute to the way that Black people are treated as less valuable. this microaggressions, how they behave in Black spaces and interact with Black culture (especially, Black american culture), and how they treat Black people in non-Black spaces /3
the history and role of policing in America, who it is meant to protect and how it is weaponized

how they can provide non-invasive support for their Black friends because every single one of us struggling with processing this /4
and most importantly, Black folks:
I hope that you are taking care of and being kind to yourselves <3 /end
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