tw: abuse

I need y’all to stop demonizing ppl that cheat. You don’t know everyone’s situation or who’s been cheated on

The guy I cheated on loved me, gave me gifts, doted & all that “romantic” sht. I’m an qsshole to have cheated right?

He also made me stop talking to my +
+ best friend because he felt we were secretly in love. He downloaded Messenger on my phone so he could see when I was checking my phone so he’d know if I was avoiding his texts or not. He’d get upset and annoyed if I ignored said texts. He’d text me repeatedly until I answered +
+ He’d call me and if I didn’t answer right away, he’d keep calling & then text my mom to ask where I was. He’d come over to watch movies & would sit next to me & hold my hand tight & hold me in place if I tried to get up to check my texts from my best friend. He fought my best +
+ friend bc said best friend told him to stfu when ex boyfriend said he’d like to fck me if I wore a bag over my head to cover my ugly face

After I cheated on him, the day my mom was in the hospital & boyfriend was angry I wasnt answering his calls & texts, I broke up with him +
+ I told him I was done & said we were better as friends (my sister’s advice) bc I was honestly scared.

He drunk texted me that he knew my best friend was to blame. that he couldn’t eat, sleep or breathe without me. That he’d d*e without me

That’s the boyfriend I cheated on. +
I’m not a horrible btch sentenced to Hell for cheating on him & breaking his heart

He was controlling and abusive on top of his doting and loving exterior he let everyone else see.

TL;DR: fck you for trying to demonize everyone that cheats bc you don’t know everyone’s situation
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