a lot of white ppl are invested in the idea of “good” Black people, because it allows them believe they are “good” white people. their performative shock at what happened to Christian Cooper is just a refusal to recognize themselves in that video as amy cooper.
white ppl are out here tweeting like “she’s a terrible racist, unlike i who differentiate between the Black ppl i see as second class citizens and the Black ppl i see as monstrous threats” with ZERO self-awareness
newsflash: we are ALL amy cooper! we are inculcated w it! the only treatment (not cure) is LISTENING, decentering your ego, a continuous cycle of self-assessment and self-correction, and a lifelong commitment to anti-racism!
case in point: in the 1st tweet of this thread, i should have used "we/us/our" instead of "they/them/their." i did the same thing i was calling out, distancing myself from white ppl who are unaware/in denial of their internalized racism as if i'm not unaware/in denial about mine.
the logic of white supremacy is irrational and self-defensive. it must be actively dismantled on internal, interpersonal, institutional, and structural levels.
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