One thing is very clear looking at all the data coming up for COVID19. Your number of tests needs to increase and your CPR (Case Positivity Ratio) needs to go down. Else, you are losing the battle. (1/n)
As far as India is concerned, (a) there are some states that do not carry out sufficient amount of tests for the kind of population they have and (b) there are some states that are ok with certain number of tests per day though they can do more (2/n)
For the kind of population India has, we may have to do probably 100x the tests that are being done now. Sadly, we may never reach there (3/n)
Anyway, I wanted to rant on this thread on something else. There are data analysts who post graph on (a) infection growth (b) case doubling rate (c) active cases growth (d) mortality rate and its growth (4/n)
Most of these analysts are either sold out or half-baked analysts who came up in the last 3 months. Sadly, all of these graphs do not convey the information on whether the state / country is doing enough (5/n)
Even mortality rate is a factor of average age of the population, and does not indicate whether the state is doing good or bad (6/n)
Your tests per capita and case positivity rate are probably the best indicators of your governments actions against COVID. If an analyst does not publish these numbers (and plot them against a country like South Korea), don't even look at those graphs (7/7)
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