Its funny that I get a lot of compliments because Im payat, when the thinnest I’ve ever been was actually because I was so depressed because my parents are separating. I couldn’t eat anything, I was constantly getting sick, I had to force myself to eat and i always pass out.
I have to act like im okay infront of my parents and my lil brother because Im the eldest and I want them to not worry about me. I always cry myself to sleep and blame myself for my parents separation. I lost my "dean lister" dream, lost my friends and I lost myself too.
It took me a few years to try to open up myself to people again. This lockdown is not easy for me because I hate not doing anything because that means I'll have time to sit and overthink. I am not completely healed, but I know someday I will be. I'll just trust the process.
To my future self, I hope you'll see this thread one day and pe proud of yourself. You are strong, even with tears in your eyes, you are loved by many, even if you feel like you dont. You are blessed. You will be happy, you will get better. You are worth it. I love you.
Love, Steffie. ♡
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