Lynching. (GA)

Execution. (MN)

Attempted murder. (NY)

All of these were sanctioned by a system and through the action and inaction of White citizens of these United States of America.

These are the facts. Fuck a hashtag or retweet. You can keep your thoughts and prayers.
We, Black and Brown communities, have been living other this shit for generations. We’ve been putting in the work and repeating ourselves for wat too long.
Police officers who excute us deserve the same punishment as any other murders and then some b/c they choose to abuse a position they chose to accept. Yes, they chose an occupation that is held to a higher standard. Fuck firing them. Charge them and put their asses in jail.
Attempted murder through misuse of an emergency system. Pretty sure that shit is illegal in just about everywhere in this country. Add to that the weaponization of race.
Tired of this shit. To the majority of Whote people in the USA, you can be an ally or accomplice or whatever the fuck you wanna call yourself, get your ass out and call out your peers. Vote out DAs and corrupt and racist judges. Do something.
To the real ones who have been helping like your elders and ancestors, thank you.
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