I used to not know what White Privilege was. It’s easy to think that ‘racism isn’t a problem anymore’ when you live in a liberal bubble and when you haven’t had to experience it first hand. I was optimistic and ignorant and I didn’t educate myself on the subject. 1/
In the last couple of years I’ve listened to different perspectives and once you learn you can’t help but feel outraged. I want to say - this is not a case of ‘who has it worse’. Of course people of all races can have super difficult challenges in life and this is not saying 2/
what you’ve experienced isn’t difficult. As a woman, I try to show my male friends what it’s like to exist in a world where you don’t feel safe alone. As an immigrant, I’ve tried to tell my story and help people open their minds and hearts to challenges they’ve never imagined. 3/
This is something I haven’t experienced first hand so I must educate myself and listen to voices that are often unheard. This is not about feeling guilty and turning away because it’s too much to think about. This is about being human and choosing not to be ignorant anymore. 4/
It’s a privilege not to think about White Privilege because your life isn’t in danger every single day just because of what you look like. How many more horrible cases of injustice do we have to see before we DO SOMETHING? 5/
We need to have these difficult conversations and speak up. If we let this continue we are co-writing this reality and I, for one, do not want to leave a legacy of turning away while injustice prevails. What about you? #georgeflyod #AhmaudArbery #breonataylor #BlackLifesMatter
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