I would like to address this very stupid tweet, because unfortunately I have seen it used a lot recently. Let’s start with the easy thing: People are not upset about a police officer killing a person, they are upset that a black man was killed without cause
These are two very different things, and black people are disproportionately affected by police escalation, police brutality, and everything that contributes to unarmed black people being killed. Literally any study on criminal justice will demonstrate this
Now on to those numbers. Taking them at face value, just about everyone knows that black people make up less than 27% of the US population. Obviously an exact number is tough to pin down, but the one I’ve seen most is 12%. With 300,000,000 people, that 15% is a massive disparity
Now to look at those numbers themselves: Most of us know that there are more races than White, Black, and Hispanic. Maybe those are just the top 3 that are killed by police. Let’s do a little back of the napkin math: 55+27+19=101. So that leaves no room for any other race
Meaning that not only are those statistics false, it’s very easy to prove that they are. Which means that Candace is purposely being disingenuous to convince people of something that she knows to be untrue. I don’t mean to amplify her voice, but I think it’s important to say
What happened to George Floyd was an entirely avoidable tragedy, one that we see far too often. To make any claims against that is to try to spin and deflect the narrative so no purposeful change is done, and it’s shameful. I don’t know how this can possibly be a bipartisan issue
Finally, I don’t mean to speak for the black community - I know that I will never understand what it is like to exist while black in America. However, I understand the importance of being an ally, and that people from all walks of life need to speak up against injustice
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