Was talking about this with the boy today in the way us washed up adults do- I think the key to <being good> in a relationship is when you are comfortable with who you are & the possibility of being alone. All of us grow into it tbh- you don't magically become like this overnight
Because genuinely, there are many kinds of love besides <romantic>, and if you (soz but for lack of a better word but yes cringeee) nurture those relationships then finding The One becomes less of a priority.
We grow up thinking that by x age we'll have accomplished that greatest achievement in life,meeting The One and Being With Them Forever. No one ever tells you hey, why don't grow into someone you like so if need be you can be with *you* forever & not feel like you're missing out?
Love is great kids, but it has more meaning than just the one form of it we think we should dedicate our intellectual and emotional wellbeing to. End of the unsolicited pandithaya thread you didn't ask for but will get cause damnn I love deepitude threads
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