If we can bring fresh glacier water from the Catskill Mountains to every home in NYC so you can flush your shit with a gallon of it whenever you want

We can find a way to survive a coronavirus that doesn't involve letting hundreds of millions of people die.
If we can create an entire man-made sea in California, construct whole new islands off the Arabian peninsula, FLY across OCEANS in <1 day, put powerful cameras in orbit around our planet

We can stop a virus without killing two out of every hundred people that you know
We're able to know about the entire history of this planet inconceivable quantities of time into the past

We're able to know the size, temperature, even atmosphere of celestial objects inconceivable distances away

We can survive cancelling our plans for a year.
Every scientist in the world is working on treatments and vaccines. It's going to take time but so does everything. We didn't create a Polio vaccine in mere months. But we did create a vaccine. An incredible concept. It's AMAZING that we can even expect this to be possible
I'm not going to lie and say quarantine has been easy for me. My chronic pain has been horrible as my already weak muscles and joints atrophy from lack of walking or working (even with a daily exercise routine). Important moments in my life were cancelled. I miss my partner
But it's only for a year or two. And I'm alive. And I'm eating. And I'm safe. Cancelling our social lives for just a year or two, a tiny blip in history, is worth it. we survived ICE AGES longer than this. We survived volcanoes erupting and covering the whole world in ash.
Those of us staying home don't have it easy but we're lucky not to be on the front lines, we have it easiest. What is asked of us IS mentally difficult but we are capable of doing it and doing it will save millions of lives and given that benefit, it's a small thing to ask.
If last year I had been asked:
"Would you cancel your graduation to save millions of lives?"

Of course I'd say yes

"Would you go without visiting your partner for a year, to save millions of lives?" I'd say YES!!

I'm sad now but YES YES of course I will do this to save lives
All this to say
As much as possible
I won't hear any whining about wanting to re-open because you're frustrated and you think we should "just accept death as part of life"
Fuck that! We don't have to accept losing 2% of ALL PEOPLE
"would you go a year without furry conventions to save hundreds of millions of lives?"

Your answer better be FUCK YES or I don't want anything to do with you this choice is OBVIOUS
Some day, we will look back on this moment

And we can be proud, that we all came together, worked together across the whole world, to save so many lives

Or we can be ashamed of how selfish we were, how greedy, grieving everyone we know who died

Make your choice
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