Trads larping muh vedas are only for 'upper' caste and priesthood is for only one caste will never suceed. This is the truth. Anyone who are not part of these caste (atleast 80% of hindu society) will obiviously feel bad and will never accept it (1/n)
even if none of them will accept the job of priest or will read vedas if given a chance. Still they will think that something is being taken away from them or they are being given some low position in heirarchy. This is human nature and add to that 100 year old sjw equality(2/n)
movement in Hindusim and 70 years worth brainwashing by secular state in equality meme. Trads if they want to do anything good should focus on

1. Opposing muh beti roti wala icm natak
2. Opposing alphabet degenarcy and all degenracy in general
3. Moving overton window atleast on twater/facebook for sulla/ricebag-hindu relation
4. Pressurizing bjp atleast on twater/fb for institutional change in favour of hindus
5. Breaking myth of tloo secularism/muh swadeshi muzzie abdul kalam on sm

my views as a non trad hindu
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