I hate Twitter some of you guys are funny but the rest are a bunch of fuckin wimps. So what, my friends are gonna call me a ‘dyke’. I don’t care. They’re hetero and respect me and I respect them enough to let them have freedom around me.
Even if someone called me a slur out of hatred so fucking what. I have thick skin and so should you. My friends would pull up with me to beat the shit out of them anyways.
Just because you have autism and can’t take humor anywhere other than up the ass doesn’t mean others aren’t normal. Sorry you have to be such a snowflake and ruin the experience for the majority of the population.
Don’t be a çunt and let the gays who know how to act normal have their fun. You never see heteros flaunting their sexuality in others faces. Maybe that’s why I know how to act normal. Because all my friends are hets.
Don’t even get me fucking STARTED on how unfunny gayhumor has been. So what hets make fun of us. It’s your damn fault for acting like r€Tards giving them a foothold to make fun of us. My friends were shocked when I told them I was mostly lesbian because I know how to act normal.
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