PSA: If you see any of these at a riot, these people are trying to use you to help destroy the cops so they can create their own police state. Don’t fall for it.
Apparently this needs an explainer.

Boogaloo comes from Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo, a meme originating in the racist/fascist corners of the internet.

After Boogaloo Bois got their first Facebook groups banned, they started using the dog whistles Big Luau or Big Igloo.
Boogers are generally far-right libertarians, who only hate cops because cops threaten their perceived right to equip themselves for a violent civil war.

But the Thin Line flag is a clue to their real intentions, which is creating a mythical utopia where might is right.
While groups like III%ers (the white boys who showed up in Ferguson) are bootlickers who intend to use the police against the state somehow, Boogers are against the cops.

But what we’re seeing very recently is a lot of bootlickers starting to hate the cops. Make no alliances.
The reason I bring this up, is because Boogers appear to have shown up in Minneapolis yesterday, and tried to insert themselves and their expensive weapons into the protest. Please examine.
Also related:

Afaict, these guys bust onto the (real world) scene in January, at the 2nd Amendment protests in Richmond, VA.
Also related:
I broke the rules, and posted that last retweet before reading the linked article. Once again:

This new article from @IwriteOK and @jason_a_w is a very comprehensive deep dive into the so-called boogaloo movement, its origins, and where it’s headed:
Please also see this thread:
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