It’s an interesting concept and idea. In a brief, it’s about rebelling against what you’re spoon fed in life and basically anti-capitalism. You go on quests to defend the in-game worlds society and natural life from industrial uprisings.

In brief. This is a quote from a founder:
the first is abes oddysee. you play abe, who starts off as an ignorant worker; he’s actually the destined saviour of mudokon race. he finds out that the people he works for have plans to use mudokons as food for profit, you go on a journey to rebel against them and save his kind.
the second is abes exoddus, a direct sequel to abes oddysee. it’s hard to explain without spoiling, but it’s a more lore heavy exploration into the mukodon race and how they live in harmony and peace with nature.
third is munch’s oddysee and my personal favourite. the game follows munch, the last living remainder of the gabbit creatures. again, it’s abe on quest to free the weak from the tyranny of the capitalist system. gabbits are almost extinct due to harvesting for eggs.
the fourth is strangers wrath. strangers wrath is my ultimate favourite from all the oddworld games. it’s unattached from abe( and munchs) story. it follows a bounty hunter who is one of the last steef kind in the world. you follow him in his bounties, discovering his past.
if any of this sounds interesting then here’s where you can get them easily.

abes odyssey: steam:

abes exodus: steam:
FOR £9.99 you can get all of them! you save £4.97! 

New ‘n’ tasty is the remastered abes odyssey!
play oddworld. i promise you won’t regret it.
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