the day i found out about my ex husband cheating on me was the last day i spoke to him. he was cheating on me with three women at that time. even sent me photos of one saying she was better than me. i filed for my khula the same day. mf never showed up in court.
we were the ideal couple of my family. but only i knew what i was going through. there were a lot of issues. but cheating was the last straw. i am forever grateful that i found out everything before my rukhsati. but the feeling of not being enough never leaves.
i'd never blame the other women for what he did to me. he's a narcissist, and narcissists are insufferable. they're also charming and suffocatingly good at manipulation, which is usually hiding some deep emotional trauma. perhaps the damage in him speaks to damage in those women.
it's been six years since i took khula. six years of being labeled a divorcee. of not being able to remarry because no one wants to be with a divorced woman. i was supposed leave for US to become a maxillofacial surgeon. but i got stuck with a man whose life is still how it was.
he never signed the papers.threatened to send my morphed photos to my dad.fractured my arm.slapped me in my own house.stole my debit card.i was too young to realize what was happening until i finally woke up.he has handed me each nail for his own coffin 1 by 1 & im coming for him
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