Fun fact of the day I bet yaw ain’t know :

It’s been scientifically proven that people of European decent are genetically mixed with animals

And now it makes sense, why they react the way they do to us blacks. It makes sense because when animals are frightened, they attack.

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If you’re around wild animals, as to not scare them, you’d need to be still and make no sudden movements.
We are taught that animals are more scared of us than we are of them..

With that being said, and by including the science that Europeans have a similar make up of that of animals in their DNA, it only makes sense for them to react the way they do when around us blacks
You see, people of African descent have a VERY SPECIAL ENERGY. It’s very real. An energy so special and unique to us that the European fears it.
And it’s the ANIMAL in the European that causes them to act out with such hate and violence towards us blacks, because they FEAR our True Strength our True Power and Intelligence.
If I’m lying I’m dying. But also if someone doesn’t believe I can drop a video to prove it. Stay woke young black people. Or wake up. Whichever state you in, lemme help 🙏🏽
Black people will continue to be killed by the oppressor, by the puppet masters, by the white men in blue uniforms.. until US—people of color—First, realize just how powerful, intelligent and special we really are (Because the white man knows it!! Which is why they MUST kill us).
After more & more of us become conscious of who we are & what we are made of as Black Kings & Queens.. we then must UNITE together, ORGANIZE, EDUCATE, LEARN and then IMPLEMENT the knowledge we gain.
Most sports, require a team effort to win the game. There is no way one person on a five man squad can win the game without his or her teammates. No matter how talented.

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I want to develop a team of young black people who are TIRED of being mistreated, who are TIRED of witnessing unjust killings, who are TIRED of being oppressed,&who are TIRED of sitting on they ass, but who are WILLING to simply be in connection with others & have a conversation.
That’s where it starts. A conversation, so that we can discuss together, IN PRIVATE & Not over social media, what’s going on & the next steps we need to take to stop history from repeating itself.
Social media is too open too federal. We have to move in silence my people.

I ask you to join me and share this thread. I know it’s long but reading is POWER.
You can follow @Daesj_E.
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