When I was YRR, I doubted my salvation constantly. It got to the point that I just assumed I might not be elect & started asking what the point was continuing to go to church? During this time I genuinely believe that I was never once given the unadulterated pure 1/
Gospel by those in that movement(mostly Calvinistic Baptists). I was told that Jesus died for His people’s sins, but never MY sins. That those who believe are given forgiveness, but never that I was unless I first believed. What even did believe mean? 2/
I couldn’t know if He died for my sins unless I believed, so it couldn’t be believing that. This made faith seem as some unclear thing, & ended up making it seem to be at first believing simply that Christ died for sinners & was willing to save me IF I trusted Him, 3/
then once I did that I could look back at my faith & know that He died for me. This convoluted system nearly destroyed my faith. The Reformers give us a far different, far better picture. Christ has fully atoned for the sins of mankind(so yes, Christ died for ME), 4/
& God freely gives us the salvation He won for us through Christ in Word & Sacrament. These benefits are to be received by faith, which is simply believing God when He says that He forgives you through what Christ did for you. Once I understood this the floodgates of true 5/
Gospel comfort were opened to my soul. I didn’t have to worry & fear & *do* to figure out if God loved me & sent Christ for me. He did! And He’s already given me this, for I am baptized! I know he’s given me Christ for my salvation, & I can rest in that. END
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