From #mufc's Annual Report

We have not needed to draw any borrowings under our revolving facility since 2009, we may draw on it in the future in order to satisfy our working capital requirements.

For the record working, capital reqs does not equal transfer fees.
Club had 90M in cash at the end of 3/31/20, the 140M revolver makes it 230M. With trade payables dues this year of 184M, ~20M TV rights refund - that leaves 30M which is barely enough to run the day to day operations let alone sign Sanch for 100M
Team Glazer takes out 20-25M in dividends a year and they just added 140M in DEBT!!! They would rather increase leverage than stop paying themselves!! They treat #mufc like a personal piggy bank #glazersout
The balance sheet is a complete shitshow and that falls on the top CLOW Ed Woodward - more "Journalists" should report the facts not just clickbait transfer bullshit #sackwoodward #glazersout #mufc
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