the official police account in the #GeorgeFloyd case was v. diff than what the cellphone video showed. but police are incentivized to lie as a matter of course, bc every arrest/encounter/instance of use of force must be shown to be justified and correct. 
the thousands of bullshit stops that don't end as catastrophically as George Floyd's still have to be recorded as right and necessary.

it's worth thinking through what that means for journalism and reporting which has traditionally treated police accounts as the final word.
re: this...another recent case of police killing in the Minneapolis area shows how this works in practice.

as my colleague @eyderp found, Philando Castile was stopped by the cops nearly 50 TIMES from the time he began driving to the day they shot him. 
"Of all of the stops, only six of them were things a police officer would notice from outside a car — things like speeding or having a broken muffler."

which is to say that the officially stated reason for almost all of those stops was a lie that cops constructed after the fact.
this kind of routinized, institutionalized lying only became visible because Castile was killed. there's nothing about it that's anomalous or about the individual officers. this is just how policing works.
but hey, enjoy Brooklyn Nine-Nine or whatever
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