The report contains strong recommendations to the UK government, including need for keep up pressure on Bangladesh to allow internet access for Rohingya refugees & halt fencing around refugee camps
Importantly it also calls on UK to maintain aid efforts to help refugees and to press Myanmar to comply with the International Court of Justice order to take steps to halt abuses against Rohingya
. @HRW was pleased to contribute to the inquiry. A lot has happened since we did. Here’s what you need to know:
The UK has joined others in calling on Bangladesh to turn on internet in the camps so aid workers can coordinate emergency services & Covid-19 prevention, but the government refuses. #KeepItOn
Sexual and gender-based violence has gone up in the camps under the new lockdown measures. Protection services have been cut, deemed “non-critical.”
This month Bangladesh rescued >300 Rohingya refugees floating at sea. Now authorities are holding them on a remote silt island. They first called it a temporary quarantine, now say Rohingya will “most likely” be held on the island indefinitely
What should the UK govement do?
Act on recs from @CommonsIDC report.
Press Bangladesh to respect refugee rights.
You can follow @Benjamin_P_Ward.
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