When we are constantly in survival mode, deeper considerations get quieted as distractions. So yall let me know when we can talk about how Vote-By-Mail will only be successful for Black communities IF coupled with outreach and infrastructure investments (and i mean BIG $)
Also let me know when we can talk about constituents who are still waiting for their absentee ballots for the 5/19 "successful" election.

Or also how a push to return to normal is bad for those who "normal" suppressed and oppressed on a daily basis.
Haha just kidding. We aren't waiting for permission to talk about these things. Just wondering when others will listen. Shout out to those fighting for democracy, a democracy for all of us - today & always... in courtrooms, boardrooms, organizing, and legislating. We can't stop!!
Or how outside "experts" never seem to find time to talk to affected communities. But speak for them in talking points that put their whole ass lives and experiences in parenthetical notations.

Yall let me know when it's time.
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