1/5 #WBTC1 #BatLand1 Agricultural expansion & the resultant fragmentation of habitats has led to 🌎 declines in biodiversity, but how male & females 🦇 respond to landscape fragmentation?
We assessed sex differences in the use of fragmented woodlands using #CitizenScience data
2/5 #WBTC1 #BatLand1 We analysed🦇capture data collected in 206 woodlands over 3yrs by volunteers @_BCT_ #BechsteinSurvey.
We created 6 buffers around each site and reclassified #LCM2007 @UK_CEH to calculate various landscape metrics using #Fragstats. We performed #glmm @rstudio
3/5 #WBTC1 #BatLand1 Total: 873 🦇 were captured, ♀️ represented 40% of all captures, with P.auritus as the dominant sp. (41% of all 🦇caught). We found sex differences in habitat use only in 3 spp. - P. auritus, M. nattereri and M. mystacinus and were species- specific
4/5 #WBTC1 #BatLand1 The study highlights that ♂️& ♀️🦇 respond differently to fragmented woodland landscapes.♀️ mammals often have higher energy requirements than ♂️, due to the demands of rearing young and thus are often found in higher quality habitats to meet those demands
5/5 #WBTC1 #BatLand1 We found more ♀️🦇 in poorly connected woodlands surrounded by #agricultural landscapes, demonstrating the importance of isolated remnant woodland and associated surrounding #habitats in highly fragmented rural environments.
Protect Enhance Create> #woodlands
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