New week, new thread.

Women empower other women - so here's to 100 new #womeninSTEM paving the way, inspiring & doing kickass things out there.
THREAD 1/100

Meet Caeley Looney - a missions analyst - who works on small satellites. Her work helps understand the limits of the spacecraft through data analysis. She's also founder of Reinvented Magazine! What a role model!

Ft & thx @cae_looney
THREAD 2/100

Welcome Olivia Powell - a geographic information manager - who curates accurate & timely geospatial datasets for police officers, investigators & staff - helping solve problems & enable effective decision making. Wow!

Ft & thx @olivepowell
THREAD 3/100

Hey Saskia Popescu - a senior infection prevention epidemiologist & adjunct professor - who works to help hospitals prepare & respond to biological threats such as outbreaks like COVID19. We're so here for it!

Ft & thx @SaskiaPopescu
THREAD 4/100

Meet Shajida Akthar - a software engineer - who automates development processes for clients. She reminds us there are amazing, supportive people out there to nourish our curiosity & we couldn't agree more!

Ft & thx @AktharShajida
THREAD 5/100

Hey Sheri Scott -a HCPC biomedical scientist- who uses 20+ years of clinical lab practice experience to teach, support, assess & inspire laboratory professionals & students promoting the biomedical scientist career. 🙌

Ft & thx @teachbiomed
THREAD 6/100

Welcome Jennifer Duman - a channel sales director - who's building an indirect reseller channel for a cybersecurity startup. She reminds us that no one can make us feel something without our permission & we 100% agree!

Ft & thx @jduman
THREAD 7/100

Meet Chiara Olivieri - a junior aerodynamicist - who's part of the operations team for an F1 team making sure each new component for the development of the car are ready. Wow!

Ft & thx @chiara_x1
THREAD 8/100

Hey Melissa Pappas - a PhD candidate - who researches the diversity & thermal tolerances of symbiotic algae that live in corals in the Great Barrier Reef. She reminds us to continue to work at something & we agree!

Ft & thx @MelissaPappas10
THREAD 9/100

Meet Sophia Lee Roberts - a student - who's studying Physics & Philosophy - & also leads her university's Womxn in Physics society & is vice chair of UK students for the exploration & development of space! Wow!

Ft & thx @SophiaLRoberts
THREAD 10/100

Hey Beth Penrose - a lecturer- who teaches about pasture & explores the link between soil & plant nutrition & human & animal health. She reminds us to not let anyone tell you it's not possible & we couldn't agree more!

Ft & thx @bethpenrose
THREAD 11/100

Meet Min Min Tan - a research fellow - who's a social epidemiologist studying the psycho-social determinants of health. She's examining religion, spirituality & mental & physical health amongst the elderly.

Ft & thx @drminmintan
THREAD 12/100

Hey Melina Luethje -a temporary lecturer & early career researcher - who researches a type of algae called diatoms & teaches introductory geology. She reminds us its important to have a life outside of work & we agree!

Ft & thx @phdgoddess
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