Since becoming an organizer, I feel like I've been trying to educate myself more and more about systemic racism and injustice in this country. From the multiple murders of Black people, I do not personally know a single Black person that has shared these videos. (A long thread)
I don't want to trigger anyone by posting these violent videos and I definitely don't need to see a video in my feed to know that white people aren't doing enough to fight systemic racism and that just seeing these videos is enough justice. It's not.
. @MsPackyetti said on an Instagram live interview a few weeks ago that white people really need to put their money where their mouth is and put their time and energy into this. And our actions 100% speak louder than words.
The worst part about all of this right now is that we're also in the middle of a neverending pandemic. Black people aren't just dying of white people killing them. They're also dying at an alarming rate of #COVID19. And the racial income gap is growing rapidly as well.
Meanwhile, white people without masks on are 100% ignoring their privilege and endangering themselves and the people around them, especially people of color when they don't wear masks. We aren't coming together enough to support marginalized people.
White people: we must do better. I know that this thread is not enough. The systemic racism and injustice in this country is one big reason why I got into organizing and one reason why I supported a candidate with a strong plan for Black America.
You can follow @KristenAbigail.
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