Anybody else experiencing a complete school revolt from the under 10 crowd? My kid REFUSES to log in to see her teacher and friends. Hates zoom, hates google classroom, says it's all too noisy and terrible. I have given up trying. She says no.
Frankly, this is fine. For now. But if there is no actual school in the fall, I don't see what parents are supposed to do. I'm not about to force her to learn on the internet. As for my kindergartener, it's basically a lost cause, and not fixable by me.
I'm a professor, I care about education and learning. A LOT. But I'm telling you all this now, and I'm not lying or exaggerating: I AM NOT DOING THIS.

All that will happen if I try to force this is that my two kids will be turned off from learning forever. And that is terrible.
I'm feeling frustrated. And sad for them. They need people. They need to socialize. They don't need to log into google to do a recipe challenge. They don't need to listen to the literacy specialist read them a story over the internet. They need to go to school to be with people.
I appreciate all the effort that teachers are putting into this. The school is awesome, the teachers are fab, and they're doing their best. This is not their fault. But it's also not working. I'm not sure how to fix it.
I'm also highly aware of my privilege. I work at home but my job is flexible. I can take them to the park in the middle of the day. I have a backyard, they can go outside. I can take them hiking & they can ride bikes & we have lotsa books & supplies. We are lucky. But this sucks.
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