Is this going to be one of those things where I end up just giving all the answers over time anyway lmao
okay let's go

1. Mitsu is my personal fave, shoutout to Ria which some people still now me by and I'm chill with
2. 5'10 1/2, or approx 178cm
3. Super blue, like. All blues bb
4. Naturally, a mosey brown/blonde combo. At the moment, Mango passion lmao
5. Brother, we don't talk tho. Divorce things yanno.
6. Abso-damn-lutely. Easy, next question.
7. I'm that disaster level of gay where I crush so damn hard on so many people for like, anything lmao.

Oh obligatory "my fiancé" too, I guess :p
8. Spoilers, I'm engaged :o
9. Pansexual!
10. Do you actually expect me to pick one? lmao.

dUnGeOnS aNd DrAgOnS
11. If y'all means some clothing store, I'm a charity shopper, t h r i f t y

but if we talkin' any store, then TDSO
iykyk ;)
12. Slightly agoraphobic, but apparently bats we found out recently. Yeah I dunno man.
Need I say more
14. Shiiiiiiit erm. I mean I wouldn't say no to Ellen Page T_T
15. Look, if I say Travis Willingham y'all need to know it'snot juST CAUSE i'M d&d TRASH OKAY I THINK HE'S ONE OF THE MOST GORGEOUS AN-
16. I find this one hard to answer so I'll just tell you my first date with my fiance was we met up to go shopping in Lush and for cosplay bits, then came back to my house and watched Anastasia and ate popcorn
17. A lot, emotionally and physically lmao, and there are very few interesting stories here so lets just glide past that dark humor and move on shall we
18. I was gonna @ them, but then I realized they'd then get 22 notifications lmao, I'm not that cruel

@.fizzletwist, @.Chocaboo_ and @.iggie39 tho (y'all should follow them they're cute as heck and don't spam fill your feed like I am)
19. Yesterday. I'm an emotional person tho so this isn't shocking.
20. Too many.
21. Suprisingly, not a fox (tho they are a strong 2nd)

22. Been an FNC fan for like, 5/6 years, but also stan NYXL because they were my team in the sweepstakes we did this year.

Oh you thought I wouldn't talk about esports here l m a o
23. Orange, legit picked it when I was like 5 because it was the one noone else I knew liked and I didn't want it to feel left out
24. I adore lilies, but also just a lot of hanging flowers like fushias and wysteria OwO
25. No surprise, my fiance. He's honestly the best parts of me and he's just.

Yeah let's not make a sop post, he's wonderful and *chef's kiss*
26. I'm vindictive, because I give people so many second chances, if we're done we are done. I'll play the long game, I'll sit on it for ages then you'll wake up one morning and your fields are salted and your dirty secret is grafitti'd on the front of your house
27. Honestly, big quarantine mood but I wanna be able to hug my friends without any fear of infection again T_T
28. The unknown, it's where my anxiety sits and lurks and screws with my brain.

my work situation is causing a lot of that rn so, unsolvable too, oof
29. All time, hard question. Pegasus Bridge, Lights, P!atD and Paramore are in there tho.

Currently, Skull Puppies. If you don't read any other tweet in this thread, read this one and listen. I am not fucking around if you follow me on here u'll like them 
30. I want to post Skull Puppies here but I don't like to be repetitive l m a o but if I hadn't just talked about them, then that would be here.

This is gorgeous, and secondly it was written FOR my D&D character and u can#t tell me otherwise, Steffan.
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