🚨🚔MN Democrats are using a virus with a mortality rate of less than 1% to implement totalitarian government control!

@GovTimWalz - selectively killing the elderly by allowing COVID patients into nursing homes where the mortality rate is over 81%, the highest in the nation!
@GovTimWalz controls allows capacity at churches, synagogues, businesses, restaurants, yet allows a candy store to function at near capacity due to a personal friendship.

Also Walz - cancels the MN State Fair, effectively cutting the revenue of vendors who depend on that income.
Walz closes parks, beaches, recreational activities in MN, effectively limiting outdoor exposure which is known to kill a virus from which 99% of people recover, and one that rarely, RARELY affects children! He also closes schools, limiting the learning abilities of students.
Walz decides which businesses are essential & which are non-essential. Churches - non-essential, liquor stores - essential. Restaurants - non-essential indoor dining, candy store - essential. Small businesses w/limited capacity - non-essential. Big box stores - essential.
Walz has taken free will, decision making, and personal choices concerning the safety and exposure to a virus that is non-life threatening to the MAJORITY of the population out of the hands of citizens and is controlling it for them!
@keithellison - sues small businesses for opening their doors because their livelihood and futures depend on the income generated. Ellison decides FOR the owners that he knows what's best for them, & staying closed, bankrupting them, is best.

No free will of owners/citizens!
@amyklobuchar, supported by Walz and Ellison, demands mail-in voting, citing the health of all Minnesotans is at risk by going to the polls. Fear-mongering to suggest a virus with less than a 1% mortality rate, at this time, will continue to threaten lives well into the future.
Amy Klobuchar - refuses to admit her husband took hydroxychloroquine when he was hospitalized with COVID-19, which proved to be an effective treatment. Prefers to use the excuse that science doesn't support its use, when in fact, it does!
Also, Amy - admitting the efficacy of the drug would mean prevention & recovery of and from COVID is 100% possible, but also means the threat of COVID in the future is greatly eliminated, thereby hampering the reasons for vote-by-mail.

Keep the people sick!?!?
@IlhanMN - DEMANDS the cancellation of all student debt, citing the financial strains of COVID as the reason. Elmi has demanded the same since the day she took office, but is now using a plandemic as the reason.
Also Elmi - DEMANDS rent and mortgages be cancelled for all, thereby forever making the people dependent on the government for all sources of income.

Also Elmi - knowingly solicited funds to her own campaign stating she was helping to feed the elderly during this plandemic.
When she was caught, she immediately removed the tweet.

Soliciting charitable contributions under false pretenses is a crime. @keithellison sued a small business owner for reopening his establishment. He has NOT gone after Elmi for her crimes of using a virus to solicit funds!
@MayorFrey decides months into a fake pandemic to require residents in Minneapolis to wear cloth or paper facemasks at all times when out in public. Wearing these facemasks has been proven to be ineffective against a virus & has also been proven to be dangerous to one's health.
Also Freybaby - considering overriding and closing the limited capacity seating in churches and synagogues that were actually allowed by Walz. Because as we know, Democrats have determined that places of worship are non-essential.
BUT - Freybaby allowed the Muslim call to prayer to be blasted over loudspeakers five times a day during Ramadan, also allowing Muslims to congregate in large crowds in the streets to pray.

Muslims can pray.
Christians and Jews, not so much.
@MayorCarter of St. Paul, is working with Freybaby to close down the limit capacity of churches and synagogues in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Democrats do not see the need for people to practice their faith during these trying times of government overreach and control.
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