I have written and said so much to prepare us for this moment, this moment we’re in right now.

Since 2017 I have asked you, “how will you make your life and this world a living testimony of your intentions and convictions?”
At the start, many of you were devoid of the entitlement that expresses itself as conviction, the belief that the world around you should reflect your story, your identity.
In 2018, I asked you to take a vow of sobriety, to reckon with reality as it stood. Only then could you perceive the problem and begin to gather thr tools to solve it.
In 2019, I taught you that identity is a belief system and that it was being weaponzied against you. I urged you to dig deep to find the source of why you are who you are and how much of that was free choice and how much was trauma.
Now, here we are in 2020. This is the Consequence of Conviction. Beliefs aren’t merely ideas. They are the lens that determines how we interpret the world and the story of who we believe we are.
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