Thread on Writing:

Where is the movement to condemn legalistic jargon (legalese) similar to popular critiques against "academic" writing?

Academic writing is supposed to be technical; it's for specialists.

Legal writing, on the other hand, applies mostly to common people.

For instance, consider two texts:

1) dense comparative ideologies of bilingualism in schools; likely intricate and highly theoretical, as it should be.


2) incomprehensible, convoluted "Terms and Conditions," which, among other things, sign away your data/rights.

Of these, 1) or 2) which is the greater "evil"?

Why all the handwringing about "MuH aCaDeMiC wRiTiNg" when there are much more egregious sociopolitical problems with inaccessible, specialist writing that directly affect our day to day lives?

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